Uniforms, footwear and Club merchandise
Rosanna Uniforms
Athletes who represent Rosanna on each competiton day must wear the Rosanna uniform including a top (available for sale from the Rosanna tent), black shorts (purchase your own - no pockets and no logos), black or white socks and suitable footwear as per Little Athletics Victoria uniform guidelines.
This season Rosanna is offering NEW athletes who are fully financial a free uniform top.
Please note athlete shorts must be completely black, without coloured piping, logos, pockets and must end at least 10cm above the knee.
Come n' try athletes (registered non-financial athletes) are also required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for exercising i.e. t-shirt, shorts and runners.
Athletes who chose to represent Diamond Valley at Regional or State events, must also purchase a Diamond Valley Uniform.
Athletes must wear appropriate running footwear at all times. Wearing a correct fitting pair of runners for competition and training is acceptable for all events.
As athletes skills progress many athletes decide to wear specialised footwear. The wrong type of footwear can lead to injury or accentuate any pre-existing conditions (please always consult a doctor for any medical advice).
Athletes from U11 are able to wear spikes (the events for which spikes are allowed depends on the age group).
Spikes - please note that only conical spikes are allowed to be worn for competition on the track at Willinda Park. You can find Little Athletics Victoria uniform and spike rules on the LA VIC website.
Club merchandise
A selection of club branded merchandise is also available for purchase. Please note merchandise items are limited by stock availablity and are subject to change.
Current stock items include: Drink bottle, Sports bags and club hoodies. Visit us in the club tent during competition days for more information and stock availability.