This weeks program
Weekly programs including season calendar, club responsibilities and events, are available via our Club TeamApp (find us on TeamApp).
Weekly competition FAQ's
When does the season start?
The first official day of competition at Diamond Valley Little Athletics Centre this season is Saturday, 21st November 2020. This means that all athletes who intend to compete must be fully financial (with Little Athletics Victoria and Rosanna Little athletics Club).
Once fully financial, all athletes will be provided with an athlete pack which contains a bib and athlete / parent information. New athletes to the club also need to ensure they have provided proof of age to our Club Registrar, before they are allocated an athlete pack.
What is an athlete pack?
At the start of each season all registered financial athletes receive an athlete pack which contains a competition bib and athlete / parent information.
To pick up your athlete pack visit our club tent BEFORE you take to the track on Saturday. All athletes are required to wear a competition bib, correct club uniform and appropriate footwear (for their age) to compete in weekly competitions or they may be ineligible to participate. Learn more
What is a competition bib?
A competition bib is an individual athlete identification tag that displays an athletes name, age group and unique identification number. Competition bibs must be firmly attached to the front your athletes uniform top (with pins or Velcro) and be clearly visible during competition. Replacement bibs are available for a fee of $5 from the centre club rooms. No bib = No competition. Learn more about uniforms and footwear.
What if my athlete/s wants to Come n’ try?
New athletes can Come n’ try at any point in the season, although are encouraged to participate at dedicated come n’ try events. New athletes who have registered with Little Athletics Victoria and would like to try out little aths can participate as a come n’ try day athlete on 1 occasion during the season, after which they will need to be fully financial to compete at weekly competitions.
Come n’ try athletes need check in at the club tent when they arrive and must be registered with Little Athletics Victorian (for insurances purposes) before they can participate. Learn more about registering.
How do I know what events are programmed each week?
Our weekly program is published via our club TeamApp (under Program) on the Thursday before each competition (find us on TeamApp). The program lists scheduled events by age group and gender, and also provides a rough guide of marshalling times for each event block.
Please be advised that listed marshalling times are subject to change and should only be used as a guide. Event marshalling will be announced over the PA system. Athletes are encouraged to stay together in their age groups so they don’t miss out on events.
Athletes must also ensure they cross at the designated track crossings when marshalling for track and field events. Note: athletes that arrive late to an event may be ineligible to compete. Learn more.
When will the program finish?
Many hands not only make for light work, they ensure the program finishes on time! Little Athletics is a volunteer run sport that requires the dedication and support of our families to run efficiently and on time. Even if you have never set foot on an athletics field, there is role for you to play to assist with allocated club duties.
What if it rains?
Generally, competition will go ahead accept in instances of extreme weather. It may mean that some events like hurdles and some field events will not run but the centre has a weather policy and modified programs in place.
If weekly competition is impacted by extreme weather, a news flash will be posted on our Facebook page or via our TeamApp 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. Read more
See you in the Club tent!