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Track & Field Championships


Track & Field championship events are one of the most anticipated events on our summer calendar, popular with parents and athletes alike.


There are major 2 Track & Field championship events open to eligible athletes during the summer athletic season, being Centre (Diamond Valley) Track & Field championships and Region (Northern Metro Region) Track & Field championships (Note: athletes who qualify at Region may also be eligible to compete at the State Track & Field Championships).


Northern Metro Region (NMR) Track & Field Championships

Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 February - Willinda Park Athletics Track


This season the Northern Metro Region Track & Field championships will be held at Willinda Park giving us the home track advantage! The event provides an opportunity for eligible financial athletes (U9-U15) the opportunity to compete against other athletes in the Northern Metro Region and its a great way to introduce your athlete to championship events.


Region Track & Field championships are in additional to our Centre Track & Field Championships and athletes wishing to participate MUST register via the LaVIC portal. Athletes wishing to participate will also be required to purchase a Diamond Valley uniform to participate. Read our FAQ's below for more detail.


Register HERE - Hurry, registrations close, Monday 30 January 2017 at 11:59PM.


Please note: Competing at a Region level requires a certain level of commitment from your athlete and family who will be required to undertake duties on the day.

NMR Track & Field FAQ's


Can all athletes compete?


All athletes aged U9- U15 who have participated in a minimum of 4 weekly competitions (at a Centre level) are eligible to compete at Region Track & Field.


Please note: There are no minimum performance standards for competing at Region Track & Field, however there will be minimum performance standards for the Walk and High Jump events for your athlete progress to State Track & Field. Read more.


How do I register my athlete?


Because the championship event is outside of the regular Centre competition there is an additional fee to participate. The entry fee is $10 per event entered (i.e. If an athlete enters 4 events the fee will be $40, plus a small booking fee). 


Athletes may enter a maximum of 4 events. Register here  Entries Close: Monday 30th of January 2017 at 11:59PM


The event runs over 2 days... does my athlete need to be there both days?


Due to the size of the event, Region Track & Field runs over 2 days being Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February this season. However, athletes will only be required to attend the day/s their chosen event/s are scheduled. As a guide, the order of events usually models the State Track & Field schedule (view here) otherwise a schedule of events, when available, will be viewable from the Northern Metro Track & Field Event page (view here).


Will athletes need to wear a uniform?


Yes. Athletes who compete at a Region and State level are required to wear a Diamond Valley Centre uniform.


The Diamond Valley uniform consists of a green and yellow singlet and black shorts (please note from 2017-18 all athletes must wear LaVIC branded shorts.  Diamond Valley singlets are $30 and can be purchased from our Club tent (a limited stock of LaVIC shorts is also available for $20).


Will there be medals or ribbons awarded on the day?


Yes. Medals will be awarded to athletes who place 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their event. This may require your athlete to compete in a Heat and a Final depending on the number of athlete’s registered. Ribbons and certificates of participation will be awarded to all athletes who compete, although are generally distributed via Centre Team Managers post competition.


Please note: participating in at Region Track & Field does not mean athletes will automatically progress to State Track & Field. Only athletes who meet the qualifying requirements at the Region Track & Field Championships will be eligible to compete at the State Track & Field Championships. Read more.

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